1 Winning video will earn a 10x20 pit space at all 2025 events and $500 towards entry fees.
The video must:
- 3-5min in length and not exceed 5 minutes of total length.
- Show why you and your team or friends ride and race enduro.
- Have fun with it and be sure to make it exciting!
- Contest is open to any teams or riders of YES.
- Be sure to use the YES logo in the video.
- Video will be shown on the BME YouTube channel.
- The Video with the most likes and views wins!
- Make sure to give credit on video to those that are in it and helped create it.
All videos must be submitted by end of day March 16 Via Google Drive, dropbox or wetransfer.
Each video will be featured for 5 days and we will take the official count at the end of day 5 at midnight.
Please email any questions and links to info@bigmountainenduro.com